Sunday, October 20, 2013

Having Children = Having Adult ADD

In my last post (My Journey in the Kitchen-Thank you Martha)  I had every intention of sharing my Marinara recipe at the end of the blog.  Instead, I reached the end and happily posted it right away.  The main point I wanted to share in that particular post was my recipe, and that was completely forgotten.  Adult ADD-  I blame my children.

I can honestly say, there are times I wonder if I have adult ADD due to the absolute nuttiness of a house with children in it.  They wake up talking, they go to bed talking.  Silence?   I have no idea what that sounds like anymore.  My son has my gift of talking, he never stops.  I believe his talking has actually somewhat cured my urge to talk....because I don't have a chance anymore.  I literally find myself competing with Jonah at times to tell Luke a story.  Then I realize what is happening, and I actually feel embarrassed that I was trying to outtalk my  3 1/2 yr. old.

Adult ADD.  All moms know EXACTLY what I am talking about when I say "pregnancy brain."  I cannot explain it, but you literally can't think straight when your entire body is working to build a human being.  It is exhausting!!  While pregnant with my first child, Jonah, I unloaded groceries 2 different times and could not find the fresh milk the next day that  I knew that I had bought the previous day.  Where was it?  Always found a day later in my baking dish cabinet....and yes, I said 2 different times, it didn't happen once, it happened twice.  Fresh milk (now not so fresh) stored safe and sound in my baking dish cabinet.  Another time, I could not find for the life of me the leftovers to an amazing dinner I had cooked the night before?  Where did I finally find it?  Yes, that's right, in the drawer below my oven.  Spoiled....again.  This is pregnancy brain.  My best friend stared me straight in the face during my second pregnancy and said, "I love you so much, but I have never seen you dumber."  The sad part?   The pregnancy brain does not go away once you have your baby. It then just morphs itself into Adult ADD.  If you are a mom and you cannot relate to what I am talking about, and thinking, "I never feel like I can't focus around my kids.   I never feel like my head is floating off my body."  So sorry, but I am pretty sure I would say you are lying...and if you were one of my friends and said you could not relate to this.  Well then, I would most likely have to phase you out, because I would simply not understand you.

So all to say, I was looking forward to posting my recipe, and then totally forgot and blissfully pushed the "publish" button.  Yes, this was the same day that I actually almost took my dog's heart worm pill.  You read correctly my friend,  I found my dog's heart worm pills (while organizing my pantry-mind you, I did not set out to organize. I put something up, saw some misplaced objects, and began organizing-Adult ADD) and thought, "oh my gosh, poor Sully, I must give him one."   I opened the tablet tossed the pill in my OWN mouth and reached for my water glass.  As the cup reached my lips, I realized what I had done, screamed, and spit the pill out.  That's right folks, no lie, I almost took my Yorkie's heart worm pill.  In my entire life of owning dogs, this has never happened once.  I blame my kids.

My recipe for home made marinara (spaghetti sauce)  will be posted this week.   So stay tuned!!! (If you have the capability).


  1. Hahahah!! Oh my gosh! I laughed the whole way through this blog post. Thanks for sharing. And by the way, thanks for an awesome dinner the other night. We love you guys! -- Monique
